Spring 2023 - Daylily List (A to H) Newcomers entered as received and photographed in July/August

This listing represents AHS registered daylilies that grew successfully in my Northern zone 4 garden over the years. Since downsizing some have found new homes but decided to keep photos online as a resource, even if no longer here. Included are frilly edges, bold and/or subtle eyezones, doubles, miniatures, and UFs (unusual forms). Texture, healthy robust foliage, clean colors and an overall well-proportioned plant, are all noticable attributes. My personal favorite quality along with a pretty face, is good branching, strong scapes and a generous budcount, resulting in an overall impressive garden plant that celebrates a long flowering season. Thanks for visiting and wishing you all a wonderful 2023 bloom season. |
(black= my photos of previous summers) (red=photos 2011) (navy=photos 2012) (green=photos 2013) (violet=2014) (pink=2015) (teal=2016) (blue=2017) (brown=2018) (purple=2019) (orange=2020-2021-2022)
Ada May Musick,
Ain't Misbehavin',
Alice Harman,
Annie Mae Taylor,
Armed For Battle,
Artful Union,
Audacity Bound,
Aunt Yoo Hoo,
Bali Watercolor,
Barbara White,
Beautiful Edgings,
Belle Of Ashwood,
Betty Devereaux,
Big Bang Theory,
Bird's Eye View,
Blue Ransom,
Bombay Silk,
Bonibrae Velvet Shamrock,
Border Sentry,
Breaking Lucky,
Breeders Crown,
Brighton Way,
Bristol Cream,
Brand New Lover,
Bridgeton Celebrity,
Burgundy Shadow,
Buttercup Days,
Camden Gold Dollar,
Candy Bandit,
Cape Verde,
Cardinal Explosion,
Carol Jean Pardoe,
Charles Johnston,
Cherry Candy,
Cherry Fringe,
Cherry Lane,
Chez Sophie,
Chicago Ruby,
Clara Bradshaw,
Come Go With Me,
Cyber Zone,
Cynthia Louise Valente,
Dallas Star,
Dandy Doolittle,
Dangling Participle,
David Mussar,
David White,
Denver Scott,
Diamond Executive,
Different By Design,
Diviner Rules,
Dragon Festival,
Dragon Master,
Drop Dead Red,
Drop Shadow,
Ed Brown,
Edna Crumback,
El Desperado,
Electric Circus,
Elizabeth White, 
Empire Lady, 
Enchanted Princess, 
Explosive Force,
Eye Pad,
Far Flung Isles,
Fashion Sense,
Flamingo Carousel,
Fooled Me,
Forestlake Ragamuffin,
Frozen Jade,
Fruitful Discovery,
Genuine Lady,
Girlish Laughter,
Glowing Pumpkin,
Golden Compass,
Gypsy Rose,
Harmony Road,
Harvest House,
Heavenly Beginnings,
Heavenly Explosion,
Hello Adele,
Her Majesty's Wizard,
* = tetraploid, (Db)= double, (S)= spider, (SV)= spider variant, (Ext)= extended bloom, = A.H.S. Award and/or Honor Rec'd, Foliage-Dor/Sev/Evr=Dormant/SemiEvergreen/Evergreen SSM (Stout Silver Medal) is the highest award presented annually by AHS, named in honor of the "Father of the modern Daylily" Dr. Alow Burdette Stout |
D/S/E |
Adamas |
Ev |
* |
Stamile 2002 |
Orchid with plum violet eye & edge. Green throat. |
23x6 |
Ada May Musick |
Sev |
* |
Lambertson 2003 |
Light pink lavender with cream edge and a pale blue eye above green throat. |
34x6.75 |
Ain't Misbehavin' |
Dor |
* |
Schwarz 2000 |
Rose bitone, ruffled edge, grn thr. |
32x5 |
Alice Harman |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2016 |
A ruffled clear mauve-pink flower with a bright green throat. |
36x6 |
Annie Mae Taylor |
Sev |
* |
Culver,B. 2012 |
Narrow formed lavender mauve self with bright green throat. |
36x6 |
Antique Mauve Lace |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2019 |
Ruffled mauve with a plum eye and a double edge of plum and gold above a green throat. |
32x6.5 |
Artful Union |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2017 |
Rose-pink with watermark above bright green throat. |
34x6 |
Armed For Battle |
Dor |
* |
Emmerich 2013 |
Medium magenta-grape, gray lavender eye, gray lavender plus ivory edge, yellow to green thr. |
38x6 |
Audacity Bound |
Dor |
* |
Stamile 1987 |
Golden yellow self with a gold throat. |
30x8 |
Aunt Yoo Hoo |
Dor |
UF |
Kincaid, C. 2009 |
Cascade Pink polychrome above green throat. |
36x10 |
Bali Watercolor |
Ev |
* UF |
Stamile 2002 |
Lavender with silvery watermark above green throat. |
35x9 |
Barbara White |
Sev |
* |
Culver,B. 2007 |
Ruffled clear pink self above large green throat. |
30x7 |
Battiste |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2008 |
Cream white with ruffled gold edge and green throat. |
28x6 |
Beautiful Edgings |
Sev |
Copenhaver 1989 |
Cream w/rose edge. |
30x7 |
Bellafina |
Sev |
Culver, B. 2021 |
Baby ribbon pink with slight watermark and ruffled gold edge. |
33x5.5 |
Belle Of Ashwood |
Dor |
* |
Norris, R. 2005 |
Pink with gold bubbled edge above deep green throat. |
28x5.5 |
Bentley |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2020 |
White colored flower with a triangle amethyst colored eye and edge above a bright green throat. |
34x5 |
Betty Devereaux
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2009 |
Rose pink w/lighter watermark and green throat. |
32x6 |
Big Bang Theory |
Sev |
* |
Rice 2007 |
Peach w/violet eye and edge above a green throat. |
28x7 |
Bird's Eye View |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2017 |
Cream with dark purple eye and edge. |
32x5.5 |
Bloomsburg |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2021 |
Rose pink with large watermark above green throat and slightly ruffled gold edge. |
34x6 |
Blue Ransom |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2016 |
Bluish-mauve blend with a darker eye and edge above a green throat. |
37x5 |
Boadicea |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2020 |
A bright clear rose-pink flower with a ruffled gold edge and bright green throat. |
36x6 |
Bombay Silk |
Dor |
* |
Moldovan 2000 |
Rose-red blend w/white edge. |
30x6 |
Bonibrae Velvet Shamrock |
Dor |
* |
Matthie 2013 |
Dark round black-red with a bright green edge. |
30x6 |
Border Sentry |
Dor |
* |
Whatley 1995 |
Yellow w/rose bicolor & band. |
27x5.5 |
Brand New Lover |
Sev |
* |
Brooks, B. 1987 |
Coral & Rose bitone w/rouged narrow rose halo |
28x5 |
Breaking Lucky |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2018 |
Ruffled yellow-gold flower with a bright red eye and edge. |
34x5.5 |
Breeder's Crown |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2020 |
A heavily ruffled cream flower with a plum eye and double edge of plum and gold. |
31x5.5 |
Bridgeton Celebrity |
Dor |
* |
Apps 1999 |
Light Apricot w/burgundy eye. |
25x4.25 |
Brighton Way |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2009 |
Ruffled bright lemon yellow above green throat. |
38x6 |
Bristol Cream |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2008 |
Cream white with ruffled edge above green throat. |
38x6 |
Bronte |
Sev |
* |
Culver,B. 2022 |
Peachy pink with bright yellow to green throat. |
40x5.5 |
Brooklyn |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2017 |
Clear pink with large watermark and bright green throat. |
32x6 |
Bunniekins |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2018 |
Ruffled peach-melon flower with a small intense green throat. |
34x5 |
Burgundy Shadow |
Dor |
* |
Stackman, W. 2000 |
Burgundy w/smokey cast. |
48x5.5 |
Buttercup Days |
Dor |
* |
Mason, M. 1998 |
Buttercup yellow with a green throat. |
25x6 |
Camden Gold Dollar |
Sev |
Yancey 1982 |
Yellow self. |
19x3 |
Candy Bandit |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2014 |
Cream-white with a bright red eye and edge, highlighted with green throat. |
42x5 |
Cape Verde |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2021 |
Bright red with lighter watermark and yellow to green throat. |
38x5 |
Carabana |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2015 |
Very ruffled yellow with a red eye and edge above a green throat. |
33x5.5 |
Cardinal Explosion |
Sev |
* |
Culver,B. 2007 |
Orange w/bright ex
ploding red eye, yellow to green throat. |
30x5.5 |
Carol Jean Pardoe |
Dor |
* |
Culver,B. 2013 |
Ruffled orange-red with a bright red chevron type eye and red edge above a yellow to green throat. |
36x6 |
Charles Johnston |
Sev |
* |
Gates 1981 |
Red self. |
24x6 |
Chatsworth |
Dor |
* |
Culver,B. 2023 |
A ruffled lavender-purple flower with a lighter watermark and edge above a greet throat. |
36x5.5 |
Cherry Candy |
Dor |
* Ext |
Stamile 1989 |
Peach w/red eye. |
30x4.25 |
Cherry Fringe |
Sev |
* |
Culver,B. 2012 |
Heavily ruffled cream-white with red eye and strong red edge. |
46x5.5 |
Cherry Lane |
Sev |
* |
Culver,B.2006 |
Mauve w/purple eye, ruffled purple/cream edge. |
32x5 |
Chez Sophie |
Sev |
* |
Mason, M. 2007 |
Bright pink w/heavy gold edge & watermark. |
28x5 |
Chicago Ruby |
Sev |
* |
Marsh 1977 |
Velvety rich red beauty. |
27x6 |
Chiswick |
Dor |
* |
Culver,B. 2023 |
Ruffled ivory with an orchid eye and edge with a green throat. |
34x5.5 |
Clara Bradshaw |
Dor |
* |
Culver,B. 2012 |
Polychrome blend of primarily melon with a lot of pink. Heavy gold edge. |
36x5.5 |
Come Go With Me |
Sev |
* |
Brooks, BB. 2009 |
Large flared Lavender self with a huge green throat. |
34x6.5 |
Cyber Zone |
Sev |
* |
Hansen, D. 2004 |
Lavender w/violet pattern. |
26x5.5 |
Cynthia Louise Valente |
Dor |
* |
Valente-Kroemer-Wuersch 2006 |
Rasperry with a halo and ruffled cream edge. Yellow to green throat. |
23x6 |
Dallas Star |
Sev |
Ferris 1976 |
Lavender pink self. |
28x6.5 |
Dandy Doolittle |
Dor |
* |
Mason, M. 2008 |
Round cool pink w/small grn throat. |
26x5 |
Dangling Participle |
Sev |
* UF |
Mason, M. 2007 |
Fuchsia rose w/light watermark,UF. |
28x8 |
Darkmoor Park |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2023 |
Ruffled purple with a large white to yellow watermark and a toothy white edge. |
32x5 |
David Mussar |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2017 |
Lavender-mauve with watermark and bright green throat. |
32x5.5 |
David White |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2014 |
Lavender-mauve with a clear bright purple eye with veining in the throat of the flower. |
38x6 |
Defiant One |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2019 |
Ruffled clear lavender with a white watermark above a green throat. |
40x5.5 |
Denver Scott |
Dor |
* Ext |
Pickles L. 2000 |
Pale pink w/burgundy eye, green throat. |
28x6 |
Diamond Executive |
Sev |
* |
Culver,B. 2007 |
Diamond dusted cream pink blend w/gold edge, grn throat. |
34x5.5 |
Different By Design |
Dor |
* |
Carpenter, J. 2009 |
Red orange with red eye above green throat. |
21x5.5 |
Diviner Rules |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2014 |
Purple-mauve blend with a large appliqué throat above a green throat. |
37x5.5 |
Divinity |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2018 |
Cream-white flower adorned with a ruffled edge and a bright green throat. |
34x6 |
Dragon Festival |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2013 |
Orange-gold blend with a bold wine-black eye and edge above a green throat. |
32x5.5 |
Dragon Master |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2014 |
Ruffled yellow-gold with a large bright cardinal red eye and edge. |
32x4.5 |
Dragon Time |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2022 |
Yellow with striking red eye, vivid grn thr. |
33x5 |
Dreamfair |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2019 |
A ruffled pink with a gold edge and green throat. |
32x5.5 |
Drop Dead Red |
Dor |
* |
Brooks 1993 |
Deep red self. |
26x4.5 |
Drop Shadow |
Dor |
Polston, J. 2011 |
Cream white with deep purple eye and edge. Very green throat. |
34x5.5 |
SSM 2006 |
Ed Brown |
Sev |
* |
Salter 1994 |
Pink w/gold edge. |
28x5.5 |
Edgeway |
Dor |
* |
Culver,B. 2022 |
Ruffled lavender with darker eye and edge. |
36x5.5 |
Edna Crumback |
Dor |
* |
Culver,B. 2013 |
Ruffled clear red with watermark and bright green throat. |
32x5 |
El Desperado |
Dor |
* |
Stamile 1991 |
Mustard yellow w/purple eyezone. |
28x5 |
Electric Circus |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2008 |
Bright lemon yellow with rose-red eye and green throat. |
28x5 |
Elizabeth White |
Ev |
* |
Culver, B. 2011 |
Bright rose-pink w/lighter watermark above green throat. |
31x7 |
Empire Lady |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2010 |
Ruffled lavender mauve w/yellow to green throat. |
30x5.5 |
Enchanted Princess |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2014 |
Purple self with a ruffled white edge and a lighter chalky white eye above a green throat. |
40x5.5 |
Exaggerator |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2017 |
Heavily ruffled yellow-gold with big red eye and edge. |
31x5.5 |
Explosive Force |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2008 |
Yellow with large maroon red eye above green throat. |
34x6 |
Eye Pad |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2010 |
Ruffled peach pink. Wine-purple eye and edge. |
40x4 |
Eyepod |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2009 |
Cream with purple eye and ruffled edge. |
42x4 |
Far Flung Isles |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2021 |
Purple with watermark and yellow to green throat. |
44x5.5 |
Fashion Sense |
Sev |
* |
Mason, M. 2003 |
Ruffled deep rose pink w/gold wire edge. |
26x6.5 |
Flamingo Carousel |
Sev |
* |
Culver,B. 2012 |
Orange-coral blend with bright red eye and ruffled red edge. |
34x5 |
Flintshire |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2018 |
A yellow flower with a maroon clover leaf halo above a large appliqué throat. Maroon edge. |
34x5 |
Florenda |
Sev |
* |
Culver,B. 2015 |
Ivory-white with a bold black-purple eye and edge. |
38x4.5 |
Florian |
Sev |
* |
Culver,B. 2021 |
Cream with lavender eye and double ruffled edge. |
36x5 |
SSM 2005 |
Fooled Me |
Dor |
* Ext |
Reilly+ 1990 |
Yellow w/red eye. |
24x5.5 |
Forestlake Ragamuffin |
Dor |
* |
Harding, F. 1993 |
Pink self with gold ruffle and green throat. |
28x5.5 |
Fruitful Discovery |
Sev |
* |
Norris, R. 2016 |
Rich red purple with yellow green throat and white teeth. |
39x6 |
Frozen Jade |
Dor |
* |
Sellers 1975 |
Fragrant lemon self. |
28x5.5 |
Genuine Lady |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2009 |
Ruffled clear pink with small watermark and yellow to green throat |
35x5 |
Girlish Laughter |
Dor |
* |
Moldovan 2003 |
Rose pink w/bright rose eye, grn to cream yellow throat. |
30x5 |
Glimmerglass |
Sev |
* |
Mason, M. 2002 |
Lavender w/deeper orchid eye. |
26x5 |
Glowing Pumpkin |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2017 |
Bright clear orange with watermark. |
34x5.5 |
Golden Compass |
Evr |
* |
Salter 1996 |
Yellow w/purple eye. |
26x6 |
Gypsy Rose |
Dor |
* |
Mason M. 2005 |
Rose-pink w/metallic silver/gold edge. |
27x5.25 |
Happenstance |
Sev |
* |
Judge, P. 2007 |
Mauve ruffled w/striking yellow appliqued throat. |
29x4.5 |
Harmony Road |
Sev |
* UF |
Culver, B. 2013 |
Lavender purple with watermark and large green throat. |
34x8 |
Harvest House |
Dor |
* |
Culver, B. 2009 |
Bright orange with lighter watermark and green throat. |
36x5 |
Heavenly Beginnings |
Dor |
* |
Gossard, J. 2001 |
Red yellow blend w/yellow gold edge. |
40x8 |
Heavenly Explosion |
Dor |
* |
Gossard, Ryan 2006 |
Light yellow with large purple eye above green throat. |
32x5.75 |
Hello Adele |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2016 |
A baby-ribbon pink with a slight rose halo. Ruffled darker rose-pink edge, green throat. |
28x6 |
Hello You |
Sev |
* |
Culver, B. 2020 |
A ruffled cream-pink colored flower with a gold edge and green throat. |
31x5.5 |
Her Majesty's Wizard |
Sev |
* |
Salter, E.H. 1996 |
Purple w/gold edge. |
24x4.5 |
A - H I - P Q - Z