EMA 2015 and 2020

Charlotte's Daylily Diary
Daylily names at bottom page Welcome to my daylily garden
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redspot Websites keep their new and updated icons for approximately 4 months.redspot
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9/06/24newEmail Robin Photos Submitted by AHS Email Robin List members (2024-2023-2022-2021-2020)new9/06/24
AHS Awards 2023 by Geoff Turk with photos
"also a link to the stats spreadsheet, more photos and where to buy."
starThe Official  "AMERICAN DAYLILY SOCIETY" Webpagestar
"Officers, regional information, popularity polls, sources, display gardens, dictionary of terms and much more."
AHS REGISTRY  Online Searchable Daylily Database: names, hybridizers & more!
click to subscribe  Click to View: DAYLILY DISPATCH Winter 2024 - worldwide distribution of the ADS electronic newsletter for members and non-members   updatedupdated - 2/17/24
Archive of Past Issues:  Winter 2022, Spring 2023, Summer 2023 - (Editor: Allen Bonner)
AHS Regional CLUBS, Newsletters & Email Robin Infodaylily email robin (Become an AHS & Daylily Email Round Robin member)
(Regional AHS Daylily Clubs & Newsletters) updatedupdated - 9/08/24
historical daylilies Historical Daylilies 1980-1990, with supplements for 1991-1995
(click to open and view or save the PDF file)new7/12/24
Landscaping With Daylilies BookIllustrated Guide To DayliliesThe Open Form Daylily LANDSCAPING WITH DAYLILIES

by Oliver Billingslea
Purchase books at the: AHS Store online, or
Email AHS Sales Mgr pubsales@daylilies.org
Click Welcome to the AHS Daylily Society click
"Benefits of joining AHS and being a member of The AHS Portal"
(2 videos)
Daylilies the essential perennial by Charlie Harper, former AHS Media Librarian
AHS Store-Media Library (many more "free" daylily presentations)
Youth Activities Exciting World Of Daylilies "Youth Activities"
IL 5-Acre Farm Daylilies (Rod Kroemer & Jim Wuersch)
FL Abundant Dayliliesnew9/16/24 (Mark Sattelmeier)
GA A Daylily Pharm (Mike Barwick)
WV Adena Daylilies (Mike Derrow)updated2/22/24
IL A Girl & Her Garden (Nikki Schmith)
MI Along The Fence Daylilies (Saundra Dunn)
CA Amador Flower Farm (Jeanne Deaver)
OH An Olmsted Daylily Garden (David Winter)updated2/27/24
OH A Northeast Ohio Garden (John Hric)
OH Applegate Gardens Blog (Linda Applegate)
ON Arcadian Daylilies (Sandy Carlton)
TX A Reflections Garden (Richard Carlson)
ON Artemesia Daylilies (Alain Johnson & Jocelyn Bertrand)updated5/29/24
OH Ashwood Garden Daylily (Richard Norris)
ON A Snails Pace Daylilies (Heather Brown)
QC Au Jardin de Sol, Quebec (Solange Boisvert)
flag Aulden Farm, UK (Alun & Jill Whitehead)
IN A Windsong Nursery (Kimber & Warren Wolfe)
MO Barks Farm Daylilies (Lindell D. Barks)
MA BB's Videos (Bobbie Brooks)
LA Bayou Bend Daylilies (Josh & Nikki Jaques, & Sandy Nall)
GA Bell's Daylily Garden (Tim & Linda Bell)updated2/11/24
flag BHHS (Official British Site)
NC Billinda Daylily Garden (Bill & Linda Gluck)
MS Blooms on the Bayou (Hilliard & Mary Steel Lawler)
TN Bluebird Springs Farm (Nicole Bull)
MD BlueCreek Daylily Garden (Curtis Cerillo & Chris von Kohn)updated3/24/24
ME Blue Hill Country Garden (Don & Susan Church)updated3/16/24
NC Blue Ridge Daylilies (Robert Selman & Eric Simpson
MA Bob Sobek's Daylilies (Robert Sobek)
flag Boitzer Taglilien, Germany (Gerald Hohls)updated1/28/24
LA Bradford's Daylily Plantation (Henry & Patty Bradford)
flag Brookfield Plants, England (Paul Harris)
NY Brookside Gardens (Muriel & John Stahl)
SC Browns Ferry Gardens (Charles & Heidi Douglas - Gene Tanner)
ID Bx Butte Daylilies (Bart & Danene Beck)
SC Carolina Daylilies
Tom Bruce's YouTube Videos
(Tom Bruce)
NC Celestial Daylilies (J.D. Stadler)
KS Celestial Gardens (Thomas Loewen)
GA Centerpiece Gardens (Bruce & Pat Kovach)
IN Cherry Hill Garden (Nancy & Robert (Bob) Watson)updated3/04/24
MS Chris's Daylily Adventure Blog (Chris & Elizabeth Rea)
NY Chris' Hidden Harbor (Chris Petersen & Steve Widom)
flag Claragarden, Italy (Daniele Bilancioni)
IN Clement Daylily Gardens (Bret Clement)
MI Colorful Chaos Daylilies (Chad Bush)updated4/04/24
TN Consider Today's Lilies (Danny & Lilia Clanton)
flag Cool Plants, Belgiumnew3/13/24 (Cathy Pointier)
NY Cottage Gardens (Brent & Debbie Ross)updated1/26/24
OH Crintonic Gardens (Curt Hanson)updated3/10/24
FL Cross Border Daylilies (John Peat)
CT CT Daylily (Richard Howard)updated1/08/24
ON Culver Farm Daylilies (Bryan Culver)updated1/07/24
OH Dailey Daylilies (John & Shirley Dailey)
SD Dakota Daylilies (Suzanne Karl)
VA Dan's Designer Daylilies (Daniel Kline)
OH Darby Flower Fields and Flowers (Judy Roush & daughter Becky Moehl )
NY Daredevil Daylily Blog (Linda Michaels)
GA David's Daylilies (David & Tere Hoechst)updated3/25/24
ON David's Garden (David Retallick)updated8/27/24
NC Davis Daylily Gardens (Rebecca Davis)updated1/10/24
NC Davisson Daylilies (Judy Davisson)updated1/07/24
OH Daylilies at Turtle Junction (Peggy Pritchard)
flag Daylilies By Clare, Australia (Alan & Clare Bewsher)updated6/28/24
LA Daylilies Etc. (Joe Goudeau)updated1/04/24
NC Daylilies Of North Carolina (Bobby Baxter)
MO Daylilies Of The Valley (Karen Sherrill)
flag Daylilies-Planet, Poland (Halina Bodusz)
SC Daylily And Hosta Gardens (Cynthia Gibson)
AL Daylily And Iris (Sandra & Jimmy Little )
VA Daylily Blog, Gardening In Virginia
Juli's Flickr Albums
(Julie Covington)
IN Daylily Connection (Matt VanNatta)
TX Daylily Daze (Michelle Swan)
AR Daylily Du Jour's photostream (Gail & Wayde Rasberry)
HI Daylily Exchange (Michael Longo)
flag Daylily Garden of the Pikalovs, Ukraine (Svitlana Pikalova)
MO Daylily Lay
Creating Interest Blog
(Michael Bouman & Karen Berry)
NC Daylily Meadows (Paul Foster & Robert Cook)updated4/05/24
PA Daylily Paradise (Leo, Mike & Joe Veychek)
KY Daylily World (David Kirchhoff & Mort Morss)
VA Deb's Daylilies (Debbie & Randall Parsons)
TN Debra's Daylilies (Debra Zimmerman)
flag Decadent Daylilies, AU
Daylilies in Australia Blog
(Christine Moore)
MN Deer Haven Daylilies (Bill & Dory Lidinsky)
MO Derick's Daylilies (Derick Warren)
ME Different Drummer Daylilies (Rob Laffin)updated2/23/24
NY Digger's Den (Ross Kenyon)updated5/11/24
ON Distinctly Creative Designs (Many listed herein) (John Peat)
PA Don Herr Daylilies (Don & Trish Herr)
NS Dons Daylily Hybridsnew1/20/24 (Don Longton)
OH Dorsets N Daylilies (Jason, Kirsten, & Hainsley Hatfield)updated1/22/24
MO Dreamland Daylilies (Jeremy & Crystal Herman)
GA Druid City Daylily Garden (William Marchant)
FL Dunnellon Florida Gardening (Mark Cook)
ON Dynamic Daylilies (John & Rebecca Burgener)
VA Earthly Treasures Daylily Garden (Angie Bowald)
MS E and B Farm (Eddie & Belinda Winters)
ME Ellie's Daylilies (Ellie & Bruce Richardson)
TN Elohim Gardens (Phillip & Carol Sims)
VA E.T. Daylily Gardens (Janice Kennedy)updated8/20/24
flag Eurocallis, Belgium (Francois Verhaert)
flag Belgium Euro Daylily, Belgium (Dace & Paul Van Mechelen)
flag Euro Hosta, Slovakia (Milan & Dana Zubrikova)
flag Experimental Nursery Daylilies, Poland (Dr. Jerzy Bodalski)
ON Fairyscape Daylilies (Charmaine Payne)
GA Favorite Things Daylily Garden (Gregg Connell)updated6/02/24
AR Fieldstone Gardens (Robert McKeel)
CA Flourishing Daylilies (Subhana Ansari)updated2/17/24
TX Flower Branch Gardens Daylily Farm (Tracey & Gary Stewart)
VA Flower Field Farm (C. Mitch Holcomb)
FL Floyd Cove Daylily Garden (Guy & Karen Pierce)updated3/21/24
WI For His Majesty Gardens (Dan & Kitty Doersch)updated1/20/24
WI Fox Woods Garden 2020 (Jim & Sharon Prochaska)
GA Gala Gardens of Columbus (Camille Mitchell)
IN Galak's Garden Daylilies Blog (Tom & Kim Anders)
NY Garden of Edie (Edie McMahon)
MI Garden Path Perennials (Ginny Pearce)updated3/13/24
WI Gardens and Castles Blog Dick & Nancy Olson)
IL Gardens of Ataraxia (Amanda Christensen & Ned Cowley)
ON Gardens Plus (Dawn Golloher)
MN Garfield Gardens (Mandy Wadekamper)
MO Gilbert H. Wild & Son
P. Allen Smith video at Wild's Farm
(Greg Jones)
NY Ginny Byers' Photos (Ginny Byers)
TX Glenda Mae's Daylily Farm (Joey & Glenda Dziema)
MA Golden Skep Farm (Elaine & Carl Wickstrom)
VA Gotta Garden Blog (Katie Cook)
NY Grace Gardens (Tom Rood)
MS Grand Kids Daylily Farm (Willie Baker - Dylan & Ethan Plaisance)
ON Gratrix Garden Lilies (Tom Gratrix)
WI Graziano Gardens LLC (Shelly Graziano Christie)
OH Great Expectations Daylilies (Delmar & Rae Dickens)updated1/14/24
TN Green Thumbs Galore (Belle & Jeff Jarrett)
MA Greywood Farm (Darlyn Wilkinson)updated2/09/24
LA Guidry's Daylily Garden (Patrick & Diana Guidry)
NS Harbour Breezes (Allan Banks & Shane Doucette)updated3/21/24
NH Harmon Hill Farm (Carl & Marlene Harmon)
flag Harrells Hardy Plants, England (Liz Nicklin and Kate Phillips)
ON Hawkvalley Hemerocallis Haven (Joe Hawkins)
flag Hedera Gardens, Latvia (Raimonds Petrovskis)
OH Heavenly Gardens (Jamie & Dianna Gossard)
flag Heinz Majaura Taglilien, Germany (Heinz Majaura)
VA Hemaday Haven (Roma Radford)
MI Hemaholics Anonymous (Cody Taylor)
QC Hémérocalle Bellmar (Yvon Bellemare)
QC Hémérocalles Daniel Matton (Daniel Matton)
flag Hémérocalles de la Pointe, France (Guénolé Savina)
QC Hémérocalles de l'Isle (Daniel Harrisson)
QC Hémérocalles du Sanctuaire (Martin Potvin)
flag Hemerocallis Centro Italia (Enrico Rossi)
QC Hemerocallis Montfort (Zoé Lagroix-Gauthier & Linda Lagroix)
flag Hemerocallis Species HomePage, Switzerland Dr. Juerg Plodeck
TX Hemerocallis, The Daylily & Daylily Photo Gallery
Bill's Daylily Hybridizing Calendar
The Happy Daylily Blog
(Bill & Gina Jarvis)
AL Hem Haven Daylily Nursery (John & Nancy Falck)
NC Hemnut's Daylily Page (James Costner)
GA Herrington Daylily Garden (Tim, Heather & Hans Herrington )
flag germany Hiesfelder Tagliliengarten, Germany (Gisela Braun)
ON Hillside Daylilies (Dave & Kim Mussar)
VT Holdn' Heaven Daylily Garden (Charmaine Rich)updated2/16/24
flag Holsteiner Daylily Garden, Germany (Gabriele Behrens)updated2/04/24
VA Home Grown, etc. Flickr Album (Judy & Griff Durant)
NC Homeplace Gardens (Ken & Cindy Dye
MO Homestead Farms (Ron, Kurt & Brett Vitoux)
GA Indian Camp Dayliliesnew2/17/24 (David & Regina Richardson)
AL In The Neighborhood Daylilies (Randy & Sharon Pilcher)updated4/07/24
flag Iris & Hemerocallis, Germany (Dr. Tomas & Christina Tamberg)
NC Iron Gate Gardens (Van M. Sellers & Vic Santa Lucia)
GA Jammin's Daylily Garden (Ben, Amanda, Mark & June Singletary)
AR Jim's Daylily Blessings Blog (Jim & Kathy Elliott)
WI Johnson Daylilies & Irisnew6/14/24 (Bobbi Johnson & daughter Gwyn Duray-Johnson)
flag germany Juhr Taglilien, Germany (Harald Juhr)
GA Kathy's Daylilies (Kathy & Bruce Fowler)
GA Katielou's Lilies (Katielou & Doug Greene)
GA Kaye's Kreations Daylily Gardens (Kaye & Tom Fearneyhough)
IA Keast Daylily Gardens (Mary & Tom Keast)updated2/18/24
GA Kennesaw Mtn Daylily Gdns*
Bill's Daylily Corner Blog
(Bill & Diana Waldrop)updated2/29/24
IL Kinder Place Gardens (Dan & Jo Ann White)
MA Knoll Cottage Daylilies*
Knoll Cottage Daylilies Blog
(Lori-Ann Jones)updated5/30/24
FL Ladybug Daylilies (Dan Hansen)updated1/09/24
flag Lakelet Daylilies, Lithuania (Edvinas Misiukevicius)
NY Lasting Dreams Daylilies (Carol & Anthony Haj)
TN Lee's Daylily Potpourri Blog (Lee & Jean Pickles)
QC L'Ermitage des Elfes (Pierre-André Rocheleau)
QC Les Jardins Osiris (Serge Fafard)
QC Les Vivaces de l'Isle (Sylvie Machabée)
TN Lilies Of The Field Blog (Linda Hassler)
OH Lily Creek Gardens (Mark & Cynthia Druckenbrod)
SK Lilyfield Farm (Cheryl & Karl Siemens)
PA Lily House In The Big Woods (Gary & Mary Ann Pruden)
NE Linda's Patterned Daylilies Blog (Scott & Linda Ferguson)
IN Lobo Rose And Daylily Gardens (Loretta Zink)
MN Loon Song Gardens
Loon Song Gardens Blog
(Mike & Kathy Lamb)
VA Lots Gap Mountain Daylilies (Mike & Cindy Kitts)
FL Magic Seeds Nursery (Terri Jones)
PA Manatawny Creek Farm (Tim & Michelle Glick)updated1/05/24
OH Maple Creek Daylilies (Andrew Brownfield)
NC Marietta Gardens (Faye & Elizabeth Shooter, Dale Hensley)
NE Mary Baker's Garden Blog (Mary Baker)updated10/01/24
KY May's Acres Daylilies (Eléna Retsinas May)
NH Merrymeeting Daylilies (Les Turner)
VA Midsummer Daylily Garden (Pat Ball)
MI Miss Becky's Lily Farm (Becky Hutchins)
OH Mondron Daylily Garden (Pete & Sally Mondron)
UT Monte Vista Gardensnew1/11/24 (Paul Genho)
PA Moonlight Valley Farm (Tammy & Matt Shull)
VA Moonshadow Gardens (John Ware)
NJ Morning Star Daylilies (Mary Burgents)
flag Moscow Daylilies, Russia (Mikhail Abbakumov)
ON Mother and Daughters Daylilies (Joan Rich & Mary Lou Molennar)
GA M P Flower Gardens (Mark & Patty Franklin)
flag Mtn View Daylily Gardens, AU (Joel & Heidi Young)
NC Natural Glory Daylilies (Di DeCaire)
OH Natural Selection Daylilies (Joe Monnin & Ray Rayburg) formerly Bob Faulkner
IL Nature's Edge Daylilies (Rick & Gayle Story)updated2/27/24
MO Nature's Melody Nursery (Tom & Laura Hood)
ON Near North Daylilies (Keith & Darlene Somers)
flag New Hope Daylilies, UK(Liz Colebrook & Fiona Pidduck)
FL Nicole's Daylilies (Nicole Harry DeVito)
MA Nor'East Daylilies Blog (Mary Collier Fisher)
NY North County Daylilies at Longlesson Farm (Melanie Mason)
WI Northern Grown Perennials (Rod Lysne)updated4/03/24
PA Northern Guy with a Greenhouse (Peter & Shayna Donato)
NY Northern-Hardy Daylilies (Mike Fleche)
MN Northern Lights Daylilies (Michael Grossmann & Kathleen Nordstrom)
ON Nottawasaga Daylilies (Julie & Tom Wilson)
flag Nova Zahrada Nursery, Czech Republicnew3/31/24 (Aleksandr Naumenko)
TN Oakes Daylilies (Stewart and son Ken Oakes)
GA Oak Haven Farms (Lonnie & Glenn Ward)
IL Oak Hill Daylilies (Charles & Bonnie Nichols)
OH O'Bannon Springs Daylilies (Steve Williams)updated8/16/24
flag Offenthal Taglilien, Germany (Rolf Offenthal)
MI Ogden Station Daylilies (Jerry & Lisa Marlatt)
VT Olallie Daylily Garden (Christopher & Amelia Darrow)
KY Old Country Daylilies Blog (Derek Ball)
IN One Daylily At A Time (Tim & Bobbie Craig)updated4/11/24
ON On Russell (David Jewell)updated4/26/24
NY Park Lane Daylilies (Kathleen Maynard)
QC Passion Hémérocalles (Josette Ratté)
OR Pat's Oakleaf Daylily Garden (Pat Loveland)
OH Paul K. Lewis Daylilies*
Lewis Daylily Garden Blog
(Paul K. Lewis)updated8/01/24
MI Pendergriff South (Randy Griffin)
PA Perfect Perennials (Diane & Stuart Kendig)
IN Petal Pusher Daylilies (Doug & Elaine Seifert)updated2/26/24
NE Pick A Daylily Garden (Scott Keller)updated2/02/24
WI Pinewood Gardens (Phil & Luella Korth)updated10/07/24
OH Pleasant Valley Gardens (Joel Thomas Polston & Doug Sterling)
flag Pollie's Perennials & Daylily Nursery, UK
Pollie's Daylilies Photostream
(Pollie & Terry Maasz)
IL Prairie's Edge Gardens (Carole Hunter)updated3/04/24
OH Pretty Petals Gdn Blog (Kimberly McCutcheon)
ON Quintessential Daylilies (Mike Georges)
CA Rainbow Acres (Kelly Mitchell)
NY RavenCroft Cottage (Anna Carlson)
NC Redclay Daylilies & Peonies (Greg Piotrowski)updated1/08/24
VA Reedy Farmnew4/03/24 (Evan & Angela Reedy)
OH Regal Daylilies (Matt Meadows)
GA Rita Bees Gardens & Apiary (Rita Buehner)updated9/15/24
OH River Bend Gardens (Mike & Sandy Holmes)updated1/05/24
OR Rogers Gardens' Daylilies (Richard Akers)
MS Rolling Oaks Daylilies (Kay & Jerry Cline)
IL Rosewood Daylily Farm (Kathy & Michael Slater)
IL Roth Daylily Farm (Theresa Roth)
SC Roycroft Daylilies at Hemingway Nursery (Bob Roycroft)
FL Salter Daylilies (formerly Rollingwood Gdn) (Jeff, Elizabeth & Alex Salter)
OR Schreiner's Iris Gardens - Daylilies, Bill Maryott) (Schreiner family)updated4/05/24
GA Scott Elliott Daylilies (Maneki Neko Gardens) (Scott & Dominique Elliott)updated1/14/24
MO Seajay's Daylilies (Richard & Carol Mock)updated1/06/24
MA Seascape Daylilies (Andrew Reilly)
GA Shady Rest Gardens (Doris & David Bishop)updated6/29/24
flag GB Shakkai's Daylilies, England (Shannan Read)
NC Shallow Ford Daylily Farm (Tabatha Gilyard)
AL Sharon's Daylily Blog (Sharon Price)
GA Shaw's Sunshine Gardens (Charles & Debra Shaw)
IN Shields Gardens Ltd (James Shields)
AR Signature Daylilies (Ron & Nora Reimer)
MI Silver Creek Daylilies (Mandy McMahon)
GA Simonton Bridge Daylily Farm (Joann Stewart)updated1/25/24
VA Small World Gardens (Larry, Paulette & Michael Miller)
MI Smokey's Gardens (Kevin & Rocky DeLucenay and Alan & Lucy Yong)
PA Smoulder's Daylily Garden (Tom & Elaine Smoulder)
NY Smug Creek Gardens (Mike & Kathy Guest Shadrack)
KY Songbird Gardensnew8/16/24 (Teresa Barrow)
IN Soules Garden (Chris & Cynthia Wilhoite)
FL Spacecoast Daylilies (John Kinnebrew Jr. & Jamie Gossard)
MN Springwood Gardens*
Springwood Gardens Blog
(Dick, Karol & Jim Emmerich)updated4/03/24
CA Stamile Daylilies (Pat & Grace Stamile)updated9/25/24
CA StarCrossedSeedsnew3/03/24 (Judy Sweeney)
VA Stardreamer Daylilies (Carol & Dave Sarginger)
VA Sterrett Gardens (Rich & Rikki Sterrett)
OK Stout Gardens at Dancingtree (Hugh & Jennifer Stout)
flag Strictly Daylilies, England (Paula & Chris Dyason)
flag Summergarden Daylily Nursery, N.Z. (Vicky Sampson & Jeff Griggs)
KY Sun Dragon Daylilies (Brian Reeder)updated7/11/24
TN Sunshine Hollow (Dave & Vicki Rhyne)
flag Taglilien und Hosta Hobbygarten, Germany (Katrin & Jens-Peter Frohreich)updated3/27/24
KY Teaguewood Daylilies (Laura Teague)updated4/07/24
  The Daylily Place, EmailrobinHome (James Shields)
GA The Daylily Store (Connie Horner)
TX The Lily Farm (Mark & Jill Carpenter)
ME The Maine Garden (Bill & Lynn Warman)
ON 1) The Spring Sickness Home Page
2) Daylily Rust Information Page
3) Daylilies On Ice
(Sue Bergeron)
ON The Tattooed Gardener (Paul Gellatly)
SC Three Shovels Farm (Rich Crider)
ME Tina's Daylilies (Tina White)
MA Tomcat Farm Dayliliesnew6/02/24 (Cathy Jackie and husband Tom Grondski)
MS Tom's Daylilies Blog (Tom Maddox)
OK Topguns Daylilies - Bob Scott Nursery (Bob Scott)
MA Tranquil Lake Nursery (Debi Hogan & Warren Leach)
ON True North Garden Centre (Tim Hobbs & Donna Pass)updated7/02/24
MN Uncanoonuc Daylilies (Dave & Reglindis (Mahler) Emerson
flag Italy Un Giardino Tra I Campi, Italy (Stefano Peroni)updated2/17/24
ON Van Berlo Gardens (Mary Ann Van Berlo)
VT Vermont Flower Farm (Gail, George & Alex Africa)
QC Vivaces Nordiques Daylilies (José Jaimes & Miloslav Kudr)
flag lithuania Vysniausku Geles (Flowers), Lithuania (Kestutis & Viktorija Vysniauskiene)updated4/01/24
IA Walkabout Gardens (Nan & Merwyn Ripley)
MO Waterman Gardens (Patti Waterman)
NY Whispering Hills Garden (Pat Sayers)
ON Whitehouse Perennials (Suzanne Patry & Bruce Trites)
OK Windswept Farm & Gardens (Terry & son Ashton Lopp)
NC Windyhill Daylily Garden (Raymond & Wanda Quinn)updated9/15/24
KY Wolff's Daylilies (Donald & Claudia Wolff)updated3/22/24
PA Woodcrest Daylilies (Michelle Bingham & Denise Freeman)
flag Wood-Eden Daylilies & Cannas (Lyn & Tom Benbow)
VA Woodhenge Gardens (Jim Murphy & Margo Reed)updated8/06/24
WI Work In Progress Gardens (Francis & Genni Kleckner)updated4/07/24
TN Wrights Daylily Garden (Tom & Bonnie Wright)
flag www.taglilie.eu, Germany (Anja Pfau)
flag www.meine-taglilien.de, Germany (Helga Mischer)
FL Wynn's Daylily Garden (Gene & Mary Wynn)

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Coverpage Daylilies: Courtesy of Charlie Harper, Ohio.
H. 'Big Bang Theory' (Rice-JA, 2007)
H. 'Lavender Blue Baby' (Carpenter-J, 1996)
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Site by: chacha